Alfred König (en)

Alfred King                     






koenig.alfred ♥

+49 89/89 82 77 98-1



What does someone who is actually an educator for psychosomatic health education have to do with the print media industry and the advertising world? In short: In any case, he is not trapped by industry constraints and he habitually looks outside the box – even after well over a quarter of a century of self employment, in which beautiful papers and print production have always occupied a large place. 


It all began when I founded the ‘Papierwerkstatt Alfred König’ in 1982, parallel to my studies, which was less influenced by profit than by my love of paper and the written and printed word. Unfortunately, the production of cover papers and book covers by hand did not feed me in the long run. 

At the same time as the birth of my daughter *, the idea of the Paper-Search&Find- Service ® was born in 1988, which my team and I- adapted to the needs of the networked world – continue to see as a satisfying part of our work. As well as our production service, which we successfully developed even after my time as managing director of the König and Lerch OHG, which was dissolved at the end of 2010.


In the meantime, however, my attention also goes to my consulting and lecturing activities, my work as a text designer and specialist journalist and the constant further development of my theory of haptic communication. The latter is to be understood against the background of my psychosomatic work and is excellently linked to my activities in the media and advertising world. All in all, these various activities form my understanding as a management consultant, as I am of course still committed to the interests of the print media and paper industry.


My self-image has always been to connect seemingly separate thematic worlds and to be intensively networked with others, be they paper manufacturers and paper dealers, printers and processors, creatives or end customers.


I don’t put competition in the foreground, but cooperation and see successful communication as the beginning and end of everything.


With this in mind, I am pleased to continue to work with you. You can continue to expect from me everything you know me for – and significantly more beyond that.




Kommunikation und Produktion